
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

New Books!

I got two new books today! Can't wait to start them! :) The Fault in Our Stars by John Green and Witchstruck by Victoria Lamb. Which one to start first? :) 

On another note, I've only got the last section of my book left to write, and I keep jumping back and forth on the ending. I've decided to just write both, and THEN I will decide what one I like better. I'm strange, this I know. 

I'm attempting knitting because crochet seems like it's never going to end, so hopefully this is faster? No, ok. 

Keep following your dreams and fueling your weirdness! 

KPKnupp! :) 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wednesday, March 5, 2014 :)

Finding time to write can sometimes be difficult, but if you really want to do it you will find time. Some times taking a break from a book you're working on can be okay. I just started classes up again, so between work and school I've had to take a break. Although after my first exams, I pulled out my computer, starting typing, and felt the story grow. I guess my point is, if it's not working right then give it time, it may come to you later.
Something that came up in my life so decided to share. If you're not happy with what you're doing in life, maybe it's time for a change. No one else is going to help you live your life, so take control of it while you still have time.

Be happy and keep reading,

Currently reading: Goddess Interrupted (A Goddess Test Novel) by Aimée Carter
           If you haven't heard of it, look it up! I flew through the first one because it's so addicting. The story sucks you and makes you a part of their world. :)

Friday, February 7, 2014

Vampire Academy

Two friends and I went to see Vampire Academy today, and yes it was amazing! Yes, you should go see it! 😍 the more people/times you go see it, the better chance they will film more, and trust me you want to see the rest!! 
Read the books too they're beyond amazing! 

Be happy and read lovelies <3 enjoy the rest of your weekend 😘

KPKnupp <3

Friday, January 31, 2014

January 31, 2013

A lot has been going on! 

Back in classes! Tons of homework, but I love it :) I know it's weird, but when you're going to be in school for ten years you should probably like it. 

A couple days ago three of the cast members from Vampire Academy came to Houston! It was a lot of fun. It was my first time meeting actual actors! That's not to say that I had any idea what to say! I was a mess. Haha, I pretty much just smiled a lot :D and got my book signed. :) They're all very friendly, especially since they've probably been meeting tons of people and most likely had to wake up really early! 

Right now I am reading Cursed by S. J. Harper while in between homework assignments. 

Animals are all asleep on the couch, Hubby is out on a job, and I'm about to start MORE homework!!! 

Everyone have a lovely day! Enjoy the weather, where ever you may be! If it's too cold, cuddle up by the heater and read a book ;) 

KPKnupp :)